Saturday, 17 December 2011

Group 1B-4
 I have contributed to the discussion and wrote my comment  in the discussion (on the PIL site).  I have also claimed and written a statement on the Learner's Charter, so I am just waiting to see where this will go.
Group 2A-5: Activity 5 
This activity was an awakening for me, because it reminded me of the integral part the principal plays in shaping the learning culture of the school and the support that s/he has to give to all in the school community.  Additionally it made me more keenly aware of how multifaceted the role of an educator/or principal is. Usually, we speak of teachers being all things to all persons on the school compound, lawyer, doctor, police officer, nurse, counselor, disciplinarian, pastor, just to name a mere few.  This is definitely indicated in the reading and I know that if we are going to be good, effective educators we will have to continue functioning in all the roles described in the literature. So just let's do it. We can; oh, yes we can!

Completing this activity also made me realize that I need to improve my skills in the use of technological tools for management purposes.  Additionally it brought to the forefront the fact that the use of ICT in the execution of the roles of an educator will become the norm and so I need to ensure that my staff and I are equipped with the knowledge and skills to use the tools of ICT.  Consequently, the MOE will need to ensure that all schools are furnished with the necessary equipment and tools.

Group 2A-5: Assignment 1

As I face the challenges of life, I feel that this course is ranking in the region of one of the biggest. It's high speed learning, like the super information highway and all the high speed internet access. If you are a slow poke or a slow learner, this course is definitely not for you.

Friday, 16 December 2011

2A-5: Activity 4A: Spreadsheets for Administrative Purposes

I am feeling very good  about myself today.  I was able to complete up to the 13th section of this activity.  I am not really  a competent user of Excel, but I learnt quite a lot form doing this activity and what made me feel especially good is that I did it all by myself.  I tried to complete the 14th step, but I did not get it after several tries, but I  know that I am going to get it done.  I am determined.

I really did find this activity very enjoyable in the end and I am coming to an even greater awareness that one can teach oneself anything if they have the 'stick-to-it-iveness' to get the task completed.

For the most part, I taught myself to use the computer and every time I use one, I find new things to do. I realize that there are lots of things that I still can't do, so I'll just have to keep on exploring and learning.

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Group 1B-4: Activity 3

I like the idea of a learner's charter.  I believe that learner's should have a say into what they are taught and how they are taught; that is they have an input into what is laid out in the curriculum.  They should have the right to use ICT skills and tools in normal classroom activities, considering that they are using these same tools on a regular basis outside the classroom. That is why I liked Mr. Parillon's comments the most.  I also like Joycelyn Henry-Hampson's comments because we have not been and still are not doing enough to cater for the needs of the disabled or physically challenged.

One thing about this activity is that I had a hard time expressing myself like a child. 

I am still thinking of Assignment 1 for Group 1b-4.

This assignment forced me to think about how important it is to keep abreast with what is happening in schools with regard to the use of ICT in teaching and learning. It is evident that most teachers are using technology quite often in their everyday life, but many of them are not taking it into the classroom as an aid to teaching. 

Teachers are however complaining that the reason why they are not doing so is because they need training to do so.  I believe that this is true, but I also believe that if teachers are bent on being creative in their teaching, they would make the effort to learn the skills and use ICT as an aid to teaching and as a learning resource. I also suggest that we use what we have until we get what we want.

These are some of the conclusions I was able to draw from conducting the research.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

 Assignment 1 

Assignment 1 was very challenging for me.  Gathering and analysing data is not my forte. I did try to do my best, but I know that it was not great.  Maybe I'll do better next time.

I am editing this blog because as I reflect, I must correct the foregoing statement.  It is not really the collecting and analyzing of data that is my weakness, but rather the use of Excel as a tool for analyzing and representing the data.  This is a weak area that, like other teachers, I will have to work on. 

I cannot pretend, I think reality is just setting in; this is a really challenging course. This course is very close to a bachelor's degree level.  One thing I can say is that it will help me to keep my brain active. 

Well I want to wish the best to all of the members of my group.  Let's continue to plod on.

Joycelyn Henry

2A-5-Activity 4B: Word Processor as a Learning Resource.


Planning and executing this lesson was a challenge.  I guess that I have been out of the classroom too long.
I know that that is not really the case, but I think it was the effort to integrate the use of the computer as a learning resource that made a difference in the way the lesson was planned. 

I had the feeling that this was going to be an exciting lesson and so it was!! However, because the students are not accustomed to learning with the computer, they were a little restless after watching the YouTube video and took a little longer than usual to settle down. Other than that the lesson went as planned. The collaboration between students was excellent and no one felt left out, even though each computer had to be shared by two students. The presence of the IT instructor was helpful in getting students to access the Internet. 

The students were highly motivated and the level of excitement and participation remained high throughout the lesson.

I was pleased to see the level of excitement and enthusiasm among the students.  They also talked about their enjoyment of watching the time elapse photography on YouTube and expressed the desire to do more lessons in a similar manner. This shows that learning and teaching will become less pedestrian and more exciting with the integration of teaching and learning with ICT across the curriculum. 

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Group 1B4: Assignment 1
It's good learning to work with technology.  So far, I can say that I have learnt how to blog, among other things. I am finding this course quite challenging, but I know that it is good for me since I have not done any serious studying since I came back from studying abroad.. 

Doing Assignment I has been my greatest challenge so far.  One of the conclusions I drew from the readings was that teachers who are going to teach and learn with ICT would like to have technical support available when 'things fall apart'.  Well I have proven that to be true as things just seem to be falling apart all around me.  I am keenly aware that learning is truly dynamic and that we always have to study to keep abreast with new skill and strategies in teaching. 


Monday, 12 December 2011

Group 1B-4 Assignment 1:

Well folks, it is now 12:15 a.m and I have just managed to send off Assignment I.  I can tell you that I have never been so disappointed in myself as I am in this assignment.  It was not at all well done because I was so hard pressed for time. I know that I am capable of much better work. When I realised that I could have asked for an extension, it was so late and nobody was responding to my request so I had to hurriedly send off something.
I saw some of my group memebers asking for extension, but did not realise that it was something that all of us could have done.  It would have been nice if someone had shared that with the rest of the group.

I have to say thanks to Temika Christian because if it had not been for her, I would have already fallen by the wayside.  Right now, it seems to me that we are in a competition, rather than collaborating.  Maybe if we can share we will all do a lot better.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Group 1B-4 Activity 2: Attitudes and Perceptions of ICT
Two Generations of Teachers: Difference in Attitudes towards ICT

There is that perception that age is a major factor contributing to use or lack of ICT use in pedagogy.  Attitudes is a major factor and these attitudes are displayed proportionately in the younger and older teachers alike.  Therefore the idea of the NET Generation is a fallacy and technophobia is prevalent among older and younger teachers alike.  
Some other factors, such as lack of technical support, the absence of an ICT coordinator and the fact that some teachers do not have computers at home are some of the other mitigating factors preventing teacher use of ICT in classrooms. These factors have the same effect on use of ICT in pedagogy for both generations of teachers.

The fear factor mentioned that affect younger users of technology was an eyeopening statement, but I agree with the author that the  high expectations of the youth has driven this fear as they know that their peers as well as older persons expect them to be able to easily engage with and master the use of today's technology.

I however believe that if older and younger teachers are given the necessary skills based training and technical support, that use of ICT in pedagogy will become the major element in lesson planning and delivery.

Group 2A-5: Activity 2: Word processor as an administrative resource

I learnt to use the computer very late in life and before doing so I was mortally afraid of it. However, I was forced to do so when I found myself in university and had to present word processed assignments instead of hand written. Well since I have learnt to use the computer, it has become indispensable to me especially in my role as a principal.  I can't imagine having to hand write all those letters, notes, and reports by hand.  Before, I found it so tedious, as well as time consuming to do so.  I am still exploring and learning new ways to use the computer but for now, word processing has become a regular feature in the execution of my daily administrative tasks.

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Group 2a-5: Activity 3: Word Processor for Lesson Preparation

Using the word processor for lesson preparation is a wonderful idea. One way is that it makes it much quicker to actually prepare lesson plans and helps the teacher to be more creative in the kinds of ways lessons are presented.  For example, worksheets can be easily created to enhance evaluation strategies; and also instead of having to write long notes on the chalkboard, handouts of notes, exercises or other activities could be prepared beforehand and distributed to students at the appropriate times, during or after the lesson.

Another way word processing can help teachers is that in preparing notes they can actually colour code information, as well as highlight, bold and italicize text for emphasis.  For example: Isthmus: a narrow neck/strip of land that joins two larger land masses; or Synonym: a word with similar meaning. Using this method of lesson preparation can provide a means of getting a lot more done in less time.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Activity1: Group 2A-5
Ways in Which ICT can Support the Roles Educator and Reflective Comments.

From the reading the postings of my group members, I am now aware that the variety of  methods and technological tools to support educators is wide ranging.  It is obvious that teachers have quite a number of innovative ideas which can implemented for integrating ICT in the educational landscape in schools.  My view however, is that there will be a need for much training because I know that a lot of us are not au fait with many of these tools and devices.

Group 2A5: 
Audit of my school’s ICT use (what we have and what we do with it):

As was mentioned, we have limited ICT tools which include eight computers and one working printer. We also have Internet access, but few teachers make use of this resource for teaching and learning. Overall most teachers seldom use any technological tools during lesson delivery.  As was stated, the students use the ICT mobile access unit, but it is still limited to computer skills.

Group 2A5
Conclusions from the discussion on ICT integration in developing countries:
The conclusions that I have reached from the various points made by the group is that integration of ICT into teaching and learning across the curriculum is desirable in all countries, but the prevailing view is that it is not possible for developing countries to achieve the desired level in the near future as most are limited by financial and economic constraints which will limit the institution of such initiative.

Although some of my colleagues are of the view that developed countries may be able to compete with developed countries, my conclusion is that this will not happen in the near future and more than likely the developing nations will never quite be on the same level as the developed nations in tie field of ICT integration in working and learning.

Friday, 25 November 2011

Joycelyn Henry: Group - 1B-4
Activity 1: Rationale for ICT in Schools

Audit of My School's ICT Use

ICT is being used in my school in a very limited way for both educational and administrative purposes. 

In the school, there is a small computer lab with eight functioning computers, which are most often used by teachers.  The school also has free internet access to which all of the computers have been connected. There is also a printer that has been networked to all the computers in the lab. This was used by teachers and students but has now stopped working and we are left with only one printer in the library which is attached only to the computer there. 

Educational purposes:
-Few students use the Internet to do research and for the most part, they only do so when they are completing their final School Based Assessments for promotion to secondary school.   

-Some use educational software for instruction is being done e.g in the First Move Chess Programme.  There is also a literacy programme that students may use to learn various literacy skills and this is self-instructional.  However use of this type of instruction is not widespread in the school. 

-Only some of the teachers use the Internet to do research related to lesson planning and delivery or to collaborate with other educators. The number of those who use ICT for teaching and learning is even fewer.  

-The School is serviced by a mobile computer access unit which caters to a section of the school's population as only students from Grades 4 to 6 are given instruction in IT as a subject (computer literacy).  During these lessons, they are taught mainly the use of IT/computer skills as they are not instructed in any curriculum or subject based context.
Administrative Tool:
ICT use for administrative purposes is mainly used to facilitate  communication, some of which are listed:
Communicating with the Ministry of Education and amongst staff through the use of emails, to prepare letters to the Ministry of Education and to parents; to prepare memos for staff; to make flyers, brochures and posters  to publicise school events and activities; and finally to prepare tests, observation schedules and assessment and evaluation rubrics.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Joycelyn Henry (JBH)
Group 2A-5: Activity 1:  ICT and The Roles of the Educator

The reading is a timely reminder of the many and varied roles that the educator must perform in the daily teaching and learning process.  It also helps to show how far short of the mark I have actually fallen. Additionally, it brings to the fore that there are many types of learners with varied learning styles, all of which must be catered for; while at the same time providing a safe, secure, warm and stimulating environment. This is not and will never be an easy task, but for the committed educator it serves as a motivating factor for him/her to find new and innovative ways of reaching the learner. 

Through the Activity, as well as the readings, it is obvious that the use of ICTs in the classroom, will greatly assist the educator in playing all the various roles and also provide the kind of impetus to motivate and propel the learner to achieve his/her full potential. Consequently, this is likely to result in success for the educator as well as the learner.

Finally, I was able to see that in carrying out these seven or more roles, there is an inextricable link between the school and communities in which they exist and that ICT can be used to forge stronger links with parents, students and other stakeholders in the community.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Hi Group: 
I am trying to find out what to do after I have completed the part of Activity I of 2A-5?  I think that it says that we are to make some comments via our blogs, but I am not quite sure.  Could someone please help. Thanks.
Joycelyn Henry

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Hi All In Group 1B-4:

Just checking to see if I am doing the blogging correctly and also to find out for sure the next community that we are in.  Well if somebody responds today, I will know that I am doing the blogging correctly. Thanks.
Joycelyn Henry.