Monday, 12 December 2011

Group 1B-4 Assignment 1:

Well folks, it is now 12:15 a.m and I have just managed to send off Assignment I.  I can tell you that I have never been so disappointed in myself as I am in this assignment.  It was not at all well done because I was so hard pressed for time. I know that I am capable of much better work. When I realised that I could have asked for an extension, it was so late and nobody was responding to my request so I had to hurriedly send off something.
I saw some of my group memebers asking for extension, but did not realise that it was something that all of us could have done.  It would have been nice if someone had shared that with the rest of the group.

I have to say thanks to Temika Christian because if it had not been for her, I would have already fallen by the wayside.  Right now, it seems to me that we are in a competition, rather than collaborating.  Maybe if we can share we will all do a lot better.

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