Thursday, 1 December 2011

Group 1B-4 Activity 2: Attitudes and Perceptions of ICT
Two Generations of Teachers: Difference in Attitudes towards ICT

There is that perception that age is a major factor contributing to use or lack of ICT use in pedagogy.  Attitudes is a major factor and these attitudes are displayed proportionately in the younger and older teachers alike.  Therefore the idea of the NET Generation is a fallacy and technophobia is prevalent among older and younger teachers alike.  
Some other factors, such as lack of technical support, the absence of an ICT coordinator and the fact that some teachers do not have computers at home are some of the other mitigating factors preventing teacher use of ICT in classrooms. These factors have the same effect on use of ICT in pedagogy for both generations of teachers.

The fear factor mentioned that affect younger users of technology was an eyeopening statement, but I agree with the author that the  high expectations of the youth has driven this fear as they know that their peers as well as older persons expect them to be able to easily engage with and master the use of today's technology.

I however believe that if older and younger teachers are given the necessary skills based training and technical support, that use of ICT in pedagogy will become the major element in lesson planning and delivery.

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