Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Group 2a-5: Activity 3: Word Processor for Lesson Preparation

Using the word processor for lesson preparation is a wonderful idea. One way is that it makes it much quicker to actually prepare lesson plans and helps the teacher to be more creative in the kinds of ways lessons are presented.  For example, worksheets can be easily created to enhance evaluation strategies; and also instead of having to write long notes on the chalkboard, handouts of notes, exercises or other activities could be prepared beforehand and distributed to students at the appropriate times, during or after the lesson.

Another way word processing can help teachers is that in preparing notes they can actually colour code information, as well as highlight, bold and italicize text for emphasis.  For example: Isthmus: a narrow neck/strip of land that joins two larger land masses; or Synonym: a word with similar meaning. Using this method of lesson preparation can provide a means of getting a lot more done in less time.

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