Friday, 20 January 2012

Group 1B4 Activity 5: Myth of Computer Literacy

Let me start my reflections on this activity by stating that I much prefer to do my discussion on the Partners in Learning page than using e-mail.  The reason for my preference is that because of the way the discussions are set up on the PIL site, it is easier and quicker to see at the same time the discussions that are ongoing and also respond to them at that time.   It also saves time that would be needed to search for and open e-mails that sometimes won't even open. 

Perusing the literature tied to this activity has made my thinking about computer literacy completely different. The section that discussed what computer literacy is and what it is not was especially illuminating to me. Now I am brought to the realisation that computer literacy is so much more than knowing how to use a computer.

The Integrated Approach brings purpose to learning ICT skills and is a better way to teach the skills as learners acquire concepts even while they are learning the skills.


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